The Lasker Society is dedicated to the promotion of chess as a cultural and educational asset. The society is open to all lovers of culture wishing to be part of it. Amongst its members are plenty of former world chess champions, grandmasters, chess collectors and chess lovers of politics, economics, science, arts and sports.
Goals and activities
The task of the Emanul Lasker Society is to retain the cultural heritage of Emanul Lasker, to continue its research, spread it widely among people and get it known to the general public. Therefore it is important to bring together Lasker’s widely scattered estate, with its original documents, manuscripts, photos, books, etc, to aid comprehensive research. Furthermore, scientific conferences and exhibitions about chess history and chess culture shall be organized and presented in the form of publications.
An important concern of the Lasker society it is to help chess, be it as part of our cultural history, or as an ideal way of spending leisure time for people of all ages. Therefore this deserves greater recognition in today’s society.
The Emanuel Lasker Society was founded on January 11th, 2001 in Berlin to kick off the start of the well-known international Potsdam Conference Humo Ludens -Homo Politicus on the 60th anniversary of Emanuel Lasker. The initiator of the conference, the cultural scientist Paul Werner Wagner, was elected as its first chairman.
Today’s members and former members of the Emanuel Lasker Society are and were chess legends such as Viktor Kortschnoi, Wolfgang Unzicker, Lothar Schmid, Juri Awerbach, Garri Kasparow, Anatoli Karpov, Vlastimil Hort, Dr. Robert Hübner, Artur Jussuopv, Wolfgang Uhlmann and Rainer Knaak. The field is completed by former correspondence world champion Dr. Fritz Baumbach, the politician Dr. Otto Schily, the chess historian Dr. Isaak Linder, the German Chess Federation with its presidents of honor Egon Ditt and Alfred Kinzel.
Whether prominent or unknown members, chess masters or hobby chess players, the common interest of the life of the cosmopolitan Emanuel Lasker connects all of them not only among each other but with people all over the world, and creates diverse contacts and friendships that transcend the boarders of countries, cultures and world ideologies.
Executive board
the executive board is composed as follows:
Thomas Weischede (Chairman)
Dr. Gerhard Köhler
Dr. Matthias Kribben
Stefan Hansen
Rüdiger Schüttig
Horst Metzing